Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dating Advice. How to move to the next level, and how to tell a girl you love her and when...?

I have been dating a girl for about 5 months. We hang out quite a bit, not very much alone. When we are alone we are quite and just kind of small talk, and hold hands. We both have told each other how we feel. We have never said ';i love you'; but you can tell that we feel the same way. I am crazy for this girl. When is a good time to tell her that i love her??? and i want to take the relationship to the next level, we have only kissed and kind of felt each other up. Thank YouDating Advice. How to move to the next level, and how to tell a girl you love her and when...?
oeish, your question, my answer

maybe it's better that you dont have much time alone. You'll fel stronger needs to be hers when there's other people round, maybe you can just tell her that you loe her, do it when she didn't do anyting sweet intensiously or when you're not in moment of passion or something just kiss her and tell her yo love her with your eyes closed and your lips on hers,

you ont feel as nervous and she wont be worrying to much about if you really meant it

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