Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Need some dating advice.... real bad.?

i've been dating my boyfriend for 8 months now, and i know i loved him at some point, though i think it might be starting to fade. I'm going off to college in the fall and i'll be more than 3 hours away from him. On top of that, i'm starting to like someone else. I don't necessarily want to give up on this because he's such a sweet guy, but we've been arguing more and i get increasingly annoyed with him, and the spark is fading. should i break it off, or keep it going for now?Need some dating advice.... real bad.?
your going to find someone else at the new school so just break it off with him as gently as you can. Believe me it's better than being a cheater. You should really wait and stay single until you move for your sake and for the sake of other guys who have feelings just like you do.Need some dating advice.... real bad.?
It's kind of a matter of do you want to leave things on semi-good terms with him, or do you want to wait until it gets to the point that you just can't stand each other anymore?

Also, if your only motivation for staying with him is that you don't want to be alone, that's not a good enough reason lol.

Keep in mind, this could just be a rough patch. Most relationships get a little rocky as you come closer to the 1 year mark, and that's normal, but the determining factor as to whether or not you should be a couple still is how willing you are to work through it.

From the sounds of things, you aren't too willing, so it may be best for both of you if you went your sperate ways.

Good luck!
I think the two of you are just going through a tough time, maybe it's too soon to break it off. The best thing you can do is call him and tell him you have something important to talk about, meet up with him and tell him exactly how you feel and ask him what he thinks of you.

Maybe the two of you need to try to work things out, if you think the spark is fading there's only 2 things you can do. You can try to get it back by having a serious talk with him and try to work things out, if that doesn't work then break it off.

This kind of stuff happens to everyone, some people start to like each other but in the end things just don't work out, not everyone gets along.

You can make the best decision for your self, good luck.
Break up the sooner the better if you say that the spark has left then it probably means the love has left too there's no point in staying with him if you don't love him anymore also this guy you say you do like might be the 1 for you go out with himand see if you feel the magic if not there's many guys to go around
Sounds like to me you already know the answer to your own question. You just feel bad for him and so you want someone to tell you to stay with him even though you are ready to end it. I wouldn't break up with him for someone else...but if you don't feel like you two aren't right for each other then I guess it's time to end it before you go off to school
honestly you know in your heart the answer..if you already have feelings for someone else then you think your really in love..? true is curiosity or lust maybe but obviously your not completely satisfied in a relationship to second guess..i think you should just tell your boyfriend you would like a open relationship when your away at school and that your open to dating other people until your back home..it will be less stress, and help you to start dating but then you always have someone to visit :) good luck
You should break it off. You are going off to college and you don't need to be worrying about him while you are there. College is a great experience and you should enjoy it. You are young, you will find love again and again and again and well you get the point. Good luck with everything!
Break it off. If you like/have began communicating with someone else, it's obvious your feelings aren't as strong for your bf as they were before plus you're about to leave for college and you guys are arguing more often. Why put yourself through the stress/drama?
Well the spark is gone and your love has faded because you have already found another interest. Shame on you. How would you feel if the role was reversed. It kills me when people ask these types of questions when all you have to do is put on the others persons shoes...How would you feel????
break it off. there is no point is stringing a guy along if you know deep down its not going anywhere. and it seems to me like you didnt love him at all if youve only been going out for 8 months and are already ';done'; with him.

good luck though, i know breakups are hard...
Let him go.

That's why you guys are fighting so much now. You both know it should be over, but neither of you wants to be the one to say it.
Make a clean break. That way you can enter college with a completely clean slate and no loose strings. You'll enjoy college more.
Sounds like you might want him as a back up...

If so, how would you feel if he did it to you?

But do whats best for you both, maybe take a break.

Good Luck!!
break it off. the longer you stay in the relationship, the worst for u and the more hurt for him.
you should break it off, you will be going to college and you will be meeting a lot of people there, trust me your life will change in college...
Its gonna get to the point where you realize that it is just not gonna work out, but id wait till that happens
follow ur heart why waste time bein unhappy when you know theres more out there and if u dont have feelings for him it shouldnt be hard
Break it off..

it'll hurt more if you keep it going.
dump the niqqa!

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