Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Guys: any dating advice...?

okay i''m in the 8th grade and all my friends are saying that i should've had a boyfriend already. they say that a guy would love to be dating a tall,slender,long-legged,blue-green eyed beauty.but the thing is is that there is just not a good selection of guys. in middle school everyone knows everyone. and i've been trying to tell them that dating in middle school isn't important because: the guy doesn't have a car.he doesn't have a job. and the latest he could stay out on a date is 10:30.

but any way guys,any dating advice for when i'm in high school?Guys: any dating advice...?
when you enter high school don't be afraid to ask someone out that you find a attractive. and don't just look for guys that you find cute look for smart and level headed guys. i'm in 8th grade also and i know guys and your right middle school guys are immature so its good to wait till high school.Guys: any dating advice...?
so simple just choose the guy to whom u want to date than ask him for some kind of notes and than say him that u could not understand few things and than just call him 2 ur home or any where and than change the topic.

And start talking some thing about love and all this stuff it will bring u to the successfull date.
Your friends are just expressing surprise at the fact that you're not surrounded by boys... or maybe taking a subtle dig at you, trying to make you think there's something wrong with you. There's not. You'll know when you're ready to date, so don't feel rushed. 8th-grade boys are probably too scared to ask you out anyway.

You're also right that dating in middle school doesn't mean much. You won't go out on unsupervised dates, so it's a stretch to even call it ';dating';.

As far as advice for dating in high school, just remember that most people find the love of their lives *after* high school. You'll have crushes; you'll fall in love; but don't start thinking that anyone you meet in high school is your one-and-only.

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