My boyfriends and I are intimate and mormon.I converted to Mormonism 3 mnths ago and he has been religious his whole life.Although we are facing difficulties,we plan on facing our difficulties and finding a way to follow the straight and narrow path.He is going on his mission soon I refuse to give up hope that we may strength our relationship with God together.Yesterday we had family night with his mom, discussing scriptures and seeing him being so diligent and as a Man of God...I know God does not face us with challenges that are more than we can handle...And I love him and Our Saviour.I came back from a religious program a couple days ago and I don't plan on taking what I learnt and not putting it to good use.I've been praying,reading scriptures but I want more advice on the rules of Mormon dating and what I can do.My boyfriend does not want to go to the bishop and we plan on facing this together in the eyes of God, by other means which i'm sure alot of you disagree on but I believe that We Can do this.Please help with mormon relationship advice and rules.Mormon dating advice (both mormon)?
If by intimate, you mean you guys are having sex, then your boyfriend will not be going on a mission.
You both need to go talk to the bishop.
Here are the guidelines for sexual purity before marriage:…Mormon dating advice (both mormon)?
I'm not a mormon, but am a Christian so know that God loves that two people come together in love. I respect you for being open about this, you'll probably get heckled by a load of non-religious Y!A users in a minute.
If want to hear the obvious, both of you should make an appointment with your Bishop and confess your sins. He will help you from there. Those are the ';rules';.
There's some things you can't do on your own.
whatever happened, you two can both be forgiven, and have your sins white as snow. but you cant do it alone. you need to rely on Jesus Christ.
repentance is a process and you can't leave out steps, even the uncomfortable ones. you both need to talk to your respective bishops. they are there to help you, and its completely confidential.
unrepented sin can be very damaging. if your boyfriend goes on his mission without repenting, it will really get in the way of him enjoying and doing his best on his mission. it will hurt much more than if repentance is done right now.
no one is perfect, and that is why Jesus Christ came to save us. do everything you can to repent, dont cover your sins.
okay, 2 things:
1) i'm also mormon. and i have a girlfriend but she isn't mormon so i don't really know where your coming from. But i plan on having a girlfriend when i do go on my mission, but i just have to see how things'll plan themselves out.
2) the interpretation of the rules i see are: just don't have sex, but don't let your intimacy get too out of control that you would have to go to your Bishop. My ex-girlfriend and i got pretty close, almost too close, and i had to end that cuz she wasn't a great influence i wanted in my life. so i moved on. (after about the eight time of breaking up and getting back together) That just goes to show what that can do.
I'm sorry, but theres no way to repent of sexual sins unless you to go the bishop.
Heres my dating advice.
No masturbating
No lying next to each other
No lying on top of each other
No making out.
No touching each other inappropriately with or without clothing.
No Sex
No oral sex
No doing anything that brings inappropriate thoughts into your head or his head.
-Stay in public places, never ever be alone together (especially since you know you two have a problem)
-Do uplifting activities. You seem to want to go closer to Christ together, then perhaps you should go to church activities together, read scriptures, read the ensign, service projects. Or you can just do normal activities that aren't going to get the two of you into trouble.
-My bishop had me apologize to my fiance because I was hurting him by allowing us to get into trouble. Think about that.
PS- like someone else already said, the bar has been raised for missionaries and if you two have had sex then he is not going on a mission... perhaps you guys could go on a couples mission when you're old if you ever get married.
I thought I had answered this, but forgot to post it I guess...bleh
First of all, having sex outside of marriage is a sin that can't be forgiven without confessing to the Bishop. It doesn't matter how much you pray, or read the scriptures, or feel sorry, you still need to confess. In addition, the scriptures say that you need to forsake the sin. That means stop doing it.
Next, I'm assuming that your boyfriend wants to have the spirit with him when he is a missionary. The spirit can't dwell in unclean places. As long as he has this unrepented sin, he can't have the spirit with him.
I know you think that you can repent of it on your own, but the Lord has made it very clear that you must confess to the Bishop. I';m going to be really direct here. You two are in some serious trouble. He probably won't be allowed to serve a mission. And if you don't repent now, but he goes to the temple, then on to a mission, he will be under even greater condemnation for going to the temple unworthily. He needs to decide who he fears more; God, or man. Is he more worried about what his parents and people in his ward will think, or about what God thinks? You both need to do the right thing and talk to the Bishop.
Dating rules:
--Don't date before 16
--Don't single date before 18
--Don't neck or pet
--Don't have sex before marriage
In addition, I would suggest that people not even lay down together when they are dating.
The straight and narrow path is narrow for a reason. It isn't wide...allowing all kinds of behavior. It is narrow with strict commandments. If you don't keep the commandments, you don't get the blessings.
I say, RUN, don't walk, to your Bishop, and start the repentance process now!
If by intimate you mean you have had SEX then he is probably not going to serve a mission unless he just decides to LIE to his bishop about his sexual purity. THEN you are looking at going on a mission with complete guilt, sin, lies and deceit right at the onset of something that is centered in Christ, love, truth and service to others - THOSE two things do not compute!
If by intimate you just mean that you've been a little touchy-feely - then you gotta STOP. STop being alone together, stop putting yourself in positions, situations and circumstances where you can and will become sexually active or involved in ANY WAY. THAT is the only way your relationship will survive if you both want to remain happy, active, faithful LDS members.
Sorry - but that is just the reality of it.
I have a lot to relate to you because i am also Mormon and me and my girl friend try to stay with god no matter what and some times we do get carried away and do get Intimate. But we are still worshipers of god. People really think of Mormons as people that cant do any thing or they will upset god. If you are truly in love then its an okay thing! yes, you may think that your disobeying but its your life and if you still keep god in your heart your still apart of his also! (:
Converts are always much more rabid than people who were raised that way.
Instead of trying to look to a two thousand year old book and a polygamist, research actual relationship advice.
';God does not face us with challenges that are more than we can handle.';
Tell that to the people of Darfur.
The Bible is not a good book on dating...! Mormons hardly use the Bible...
The Bible writers listed many ways that a MAN OF GOD can get a young girl or a lady for his own UNRESTRICTED sexual pleasure with all of God’s blessings! This is only a short list…
1) By capturing a gorgeous young lady as war booty after having killed her parents STRICTLY FOR YOUR OWN SEXUAL PLEASURE! God only requires that you let the girl grieve and get over her parents’ death for one month BEFORE YOU CAN HAVE SEX WITH HER ANYWAY YOU LIKE IT!
Deuteronomy 21:10-14 (NIV) When you go to war against your enemies and the Lord your God delivers them into your hands and you take captives, IF YOU NOTICE AMONG THE CAPTIVES A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN AND ARE ATTRACTED TO HER* (*shopping for a gorgeous sex partner? Hey, God’s ways for his Chosen People sure beats by far!), you may take her as your wife* (*provided that no other Army buddy of yours wants her too, otherwise you gonna have to kill him to get her all for yourself… spiritually speaking, of course… you can always share! The heck with the Law of God that Israel ought to marry ONLY Israelite women! The Bible writers make the kinky rules as they develop the stories. Even the Jewish girls got into the habit of going to Egypt looking for some decent uncircumcised stud whenever applicable in any Bible story -Ezekiel 23:20-21)… IF YOU ARE NOT PLEASED WITH HER* (*like if she were a real frigid piece of meat!), let her go wherever she wishes* (*ROFL…! Yes, but not without first fully humiliating her a few more times! She must always be horny pleasing her God given “husband.” BTW, what kind of honor would a prisoner of war possibly have other than total obedience to their Holy masters no matter how slimy perverts they might be?) You must not sell her or treat her as a slave, since you have dishonored her* (*there is absolutely nothing wrong “dishonoring” A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN FROM GOD’S ENEMIES THAT YOU WERE ATTRACTED TO…!)
So, if the young lady has no place to go and NOBODY WANTS HER FOR FREE you must keep her and give her a chance to learn how to please you! A few more BDSM sessions to the fullest extent of God’s Holy Law is known to work wonders! No wonder hardly any Christian enjoys reading the crappy Bible! They let their Preachers and Clergy do it for them at about 10% of their gross income!
Titus 2:9 (NIV) (Saint Paul COMMANDS!) Teach slaves* (*not only lady slaves, but young little boy and girl slaves, too. Praise the LORD!) TO BE SUBJECT TO THEIR MASTERS IN EVERYTHING* (*no matter how sexually kinky it may appear! The Bible allows beating the daylights out of unruly slaves!), to try to please them, not to talk back to them,* (*only masochistic slaves would love to read the Bible! Today it is the secular government laws that Christians hate that provide equal protection for all of us not the hypocritical Christian made up dogmas against gays, women in need of abortions, stem cell research, and so on in spite of the FACT that the BIBLE FULLY SUPPORT ALL THAT!)
Exodus 21:20-21 (NIV) “If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod* (*like in a heavy BDSM session!) and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished* (*but how? NOWHERE in the whole crappy BIBLE says anything on how this cruel child of God ought to be punished, but it does say PLENTY on how to handle any unruly slave beating him/her to the point of putting them in a coma!), but he is not to be punished* (Praise the LORD, Sweet Jesus! Amen?) if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is “HIS PROPERTY”
In the Infallible KJV it says, “HIS MONEY” God says that a slave is not human, but “money” or “war booty” to be used as a sex object to please their Holy masters! That is why Christian America up to the 1860’s justified Biblical brutal slavery including all forms of imaginable pedophilia with the black and white slaves! We had white Irish slaves, too that no American Christian talks about today! Liberal secularism is putting our house in order, not Christianity!
The Bible writers are telling you that you can keep beating your slave to a pulp every third day or so and as long as they recover you are a HOLY and RIGHTEOUS child of God! God is so good to the Holy predators and pedophiles that you can’t possibly imagine! Jesus is not much different. The whole Bible is decisively pro-slavery of the kinkiest sort! The New Testament is not any better. Escaping slaves are TOLD TO RETURN to their masters and to go free like the Law of God says only if they are allowed after having being dishonored! The whole book of PHILEMON in the New Testament is dedicated to teach escaping CHRISTIAN SLAVES to return to their masters no matter how sadistic they may be! The wanking Preachers of any Church brand today know how to explain away all this garbage in the Bible to the low IQ suckling Christian’s fullest satisfaction (Praise the LORD!) They are intensively schooled on how to protect their source of income and keep Christianity palatable even today while at the same time making life miserable to the rest of our society with their new dogmas against same sex marriage, stem cell research, some real necessary abortions, and so on!
1 Peter 2:18 (NIV) (Saint Peter, the First Holy Pope, the Holder of the Keys of Heaven and Hell COMMANDS!) Slaves* (*including young little boy and girl slaves!), submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, NOT ONLY to those who are good and considerate, BUT ALSO TO THOSE WHO ARE HARSH.* (*Even if they are into abusive BDSM and sexual pleasures! Some Preachers **** in their closet or in a whore house like the Reverend Jimmy Swaggart while meditating about these stories in God’s Holy Word the Bible! Christians have no moral standards to draw from the Bible! They borrow heavily from the secular world that the wanking Preachers brainwash low IQ Christian zealots of the Westboro class to hate!)
2) By buying a young sex slave girl from a fellow God loving family!
Exodus 21:7-8 (NIV) ';If a MAN SELLS* (*this man is a “GODLY” MAN IN THE BUSINESS OF SELLING!) his DAUGHTER AS A SLAVE * (*not his son, but his daughter! NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT! We are dealing here with God fearing families in the business of selling their daughters into unrestricted slavery!), SHE IS NOT TO GO FREE as male slaves do. IF SHE DOES NOT PLEASE THE MASTER* (“no matter how sadistically pervert he may be!) who has selected her for himself* (*This Holy “master” had MANY JEWISH GIRLS TO CHOOSE FROM, but he selected this particularly sexy looking one for his pleasure. Praise the LORD! Sweet Jesus! Amen? This is the same rule applicable to gorgeous young girls taken as prisoners of war! If the slave girl, Jewish or “from God’s enemies” does not please her “master” after he sexually used and abused her in so many ways imaginable…), he must let her be redeemed. He has no right to sell her to foreigners, because he has broken faith with her* (*Isn’t God so sweet? Can you imagine the SLAVE GIRL’S fate if her God loving daddy doesn't want her back and her master is a sadistic sexual pervert? Some wanking Preachers can’t help to fantasize about life back then in Bible times! They still do it, but in the closet!).
3… and there are many more!) By kidnapping a young lady that you like and forcing her to be your wife until the usual “IF SHE DOESN’T PLEASE YOU ANY MORE…” Get rid of her!
This technique of getting a GIRL for a sexual partner in Bible times is to be a predator at a PURITY BALL PARTY watching the young girls dancing and grab for yourself anyone that you wish to have for a wife… That’s Holy kidnapping! God in his infinite wisdom allows his chosen MEN this original pleasure! No silly dating necessary! Holy men of God never had to worry about being morons, ugly or stinky! God NEVER gave the girls any choice! Only liberal secularism in civilized societies is treating everybody as equal, not Christianity or Islam!
Judges 21:23 * So that is what the Benjamites did. While the girls were dancing, each man caught one and carried her off to be his wife… (Praise the LORD! Sweet Jesus!)
The Bible is so full of Holy hogwash that a decent atheist can’t possibly take it not even as a joke, but as an insult to anybody’s intelligence no matter how “spiritually speaking” they can get… especially when Christians want to argue matters on a scientific level while imposing their SLIMY IMMORAL DOGMAS on the rest of our society! Christians and religious people need to wake up from their brainwashing unless they are having fun and wish to keep it up, but ONLY for themselves, please! Christianity and Islam of all religions ought to come with a WARNING LABEL! Christians ought to demand some answers from their preachers instead I am getting VNs and my answers disappear!
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